Quarterly Age Accredited Employers Update Oct 2022 - Age Pioneers
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Quarterly Report - Age Pioneers (Oct 2022)


This update contains the latest UK and Global research/articles to provide you with up-to-date knowledge of the over 50s, to support your strategic decision making around older workers.

As a reminder to us all, on average, a child born today in the western world will live to 103. In the last century, we have added 30 healthy years to life and, looking forward, within the UK and US economies, our working age population is shrinking by 25% as we have the lowest birth records in history, and our over-60s population is growing by 40%. The latest Census results, published at the end of June, provide a backdrop to this. To remain competitive, we must help our employees and our organisations navigate these changes:

  • Think about what our employees need/want post 50 and drive the changes to make it happen.
  • Remember the available talent pool is ageing and our customer base is also ageing and will continue to do so.
  • Change your strategy to attract and retain talent to mirror what is happening around us and educate your teams so they know how to find and harness talent in this ‘new world’.

We are delighted to share that following great feedback from our clients, we have changed the title of our e-learning from ‘Age Unconscious Bias’ to ‘Age Conscious Inclusion’, to reflect the language being used by the DE&I community around us. This won’t affect any of the courses undertaken so far by your employees, the content and pass marks remain the same.

Any new e-learning issued will however reflect the new title. We see this as a very positive change, and we will continue to evolve our offering to ensure we stay at the forefront within DE&I.