Age Accreditation

Age-Inclusive Accreditation

Becoming an Age-Inclusive Accredited employer tells the world that you’re a forward-thinking business that cares about age diversity in the workplace.

We Work with Leading Global Brands

The Age Accreditation Roadmap

Our flagship product supporting global organisations with a roadmap, consulting support and action plan to put age inclusivity at the heart of people strategy and employer value proposition. It is the only age accreditation globally and the global standard for age inclusivity. This is a multi-year opportunity – becoming Age-Inclusive is a journey and our accreditation journey reflects this.

What Our Customers Say

  • AXA logo

    “I’m proud that we’ve been recognised as an Age-Inclusive employer, and the steps we continue to take in making AXA UK&I a place where people can thrive at any life stage.”

    Suzanne Scott
    Suzanne Scott
    Chief People & Corporate Responsibility Officer, UK & Ireland
  • boots logo

    “We’re thrilled to be partnering with 55/Redefined to further demonstrate our commitment to be an inclusive employer.

    We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer, passionate about embracing the diversity of our team members and providing a positive and inclusive working environment for all.”

    boots logo
    Donna Hodgins
    Head of Recruitment
  • Informa_Markets_Logo

    “Our partnership with 55/Redefined is aimed at reducing age-related discrimination, fostering a more inclusive and respectful workplace. This commitment, and our partnership renewal, reflects our dedication to a culture of understanding that benefits all generations.”

    mike sealy
    Mike Sealy
    Director of Diversity & Inclusion
  • rank group logo

    “We value developing talent of any age on their growth journey and our accreditation with 55/Redefined demonstrates our continued commitment to building an inclusive work culture, based on respect and fairness for all. Rank is a place where anyone can work, win and grow.”​

    Hazel Boyle​
    Hazel Boyle​
    Chief People Officer

What is Age-Inclusive Accreditation?

The importance of recognising, celebrating and retaining older workers is becoming ever more important to the ESG diversity agenda. 30% of the global workforce will be aged 50 or over by 2050, and ensuring they have a valued place in your business is vital to growing your business.

As part of your recruitment and HR processes, being able to demonstrate to over-50s candidates that you are an Age-Inclusive Accredited employer gives them the confidence that they will be recognised, heard and valued in the workplace.

  • Position yourself as thought and agenda leaders to your employees, customers and future candidates.
  • Boost your employee value proposition by demonstrating your age-inclusive status – an often forgotten pillar of DEI and ESG agendas.
  • Attract a new cohort of candidates and develop multigenerational teams.
  • Boost employee morale and reduce staff attrition.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to ESG initiatives by building a sustainable, resilient and purpose-led organisation.

Become an Age-Inclusive Accredited Employer

Our Age-Inclusive accreditation is the only certification of its kind in the world. Leading employers including AXA, CapGemini, dentsu, Boots, Bank of Ireland and more have already embarked on this journey, demonstrating their thought leadership, forward thinking, innovative and inclusive recruitment culture and practices.

55/Redefined has set the standard globally for age inclusivity. We will share best practice, insights and deep understanding of this demographic, to help you excel at inclusivity. Becoming accredited is a practical and engaging journey, including the following:

  • A roadmap, backed with consultancy and support to meet benchmarked objectives for age inclusivity.
  • Bespoke consulting support on age diversity and building and growing multigenerational teams.
  • Expert learning sessions and workshops for delivery teams and business leaders.
  • Access to our extensive resource library, featuring a wealth of searchable age-related data and information.
  • Promotion and publicity from our PR team to announce you as an Age-Inclusive Employer.
  • Invitations to participate and attend our Age Pioneers events, to network and share ideas and best practice with industry peers.
The percentage of 50-64-year-olds who have said there was sufficient support from employers for them to return to work.
3 in 5
The number of older workers who have seen or experienced age discrimination in the workplace.
The percentage of employers who have any staff aged over 70.

Start Your Journey to Become an Age-Inclusive Accredited Employer

Join AXA, CapGemini, dentsu, Boots, Bank of Ireland and more who have already embarked on their age accreditation journey. Please complete the form and one of our Age Diversity Consultants will be in touch to arrange a conversation.

Ready to Start Your Age-Inclusive Journey?

If you’re looking to get ahead of the age conversations you need to be having, get in touch and speak to one of our Age Diversity Consultants today, to see how we can help transform your DE&I strategy.

Speak to a Consultant