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Recruitment Advertising Campaigns

Recruitment Advertising Campaigns

Our breakthrough talent attraction solution. The quickest, most effective way to reach the over-50s passive candidates you’ve never found before.

Graphic with over-50s workers and social media icons
We Work with Leading Global Brands
  • AXA Insurance Logo
  • Diageo Logo
  • BT Logo
  • Warner Bros. Discovery Logo
  • Walgreens Boots Alliance Logo
  • Capgemini Logo
  • Barclays Logo
  • Birmingham 2022 Logo
  • John Lewis & Partners Logo
  • ITV Logo
  • Dentsu Logo

Our Breakthrough Talent Attraction Solution

We use our tools to develop bespoke recruitment advertising campaigns that uncover prime talent that typical recruitment campaigns or LinkedIn jobs postings simply can’t find or attract.

What Our Clients Say

  • “Our Recruitment Advertising Campaign delivered a really diverse list of applicants. This group had the quality, the values and behaviours we want to connect with our customers.

    If we had just had their CVs, I don’t know if they would have made it through the process. It really opened up our minds how much we potentially lose in our traditional process. The RAC is a big change.”

    Diane Rysdale
    Diane Rysdale
    Head of Recruitment
  • Birmingham 2022 logo

    "While delivering in one of the most challenging planning and delivery environments we were delighted to collaborate with 55/Redefined to lean into their expertise and reach out to the 50+ talent demographic.

    Through their platforms and wider media reach, we were able to deliver a coordinated campaign about paid opportunities to appeal to the over-50s audience with great success."

    Andrew Newman
    Andrew Newman
    Director of Workforce & Volunteering
  • Ipsos logo

    “We are delighted to be working in partnership with 55/Redefined to attract mature workers and retirees to support our business needs. After Covid, Ipsos needed to ramp up their workforce, recognising that their traditional marketing channels were no longer able to meet all of our hiring needs. 55/Redefined was able to provide access to an untapped pool of candidates aged 50+ , the perfect target fit for our market research roles.

    Through their network and content marketing, 55/Redefined was able to source in excess of 100 leads in the first month alone, a milestone which we thought would take three months to achieve. We are excited about the future potential of our collaboration.”

    Penny Tongo
    Penny Tongo
    Talent Acquisition Manager UK Field

How Do They Work? 

Using our proprietary know-how and expertise, after taking your brief, we develop bespoke campaigns which we then promote via Google, Facebook and our networks to find and nurture potential candidates.

Only once these potential candidates have reached a certain point in our pre-qualification process do we then pass them on to you. This ensures that you only have contacts who know and understand the role and have shown clear interest and engagement in pursuing the opportunity. This saves you time in your hiring process and ensures better quality candidates.

We act as a Media Partner and not a recruiter, so our fees are based on online reach & leads, with no recruitment placement fees reducing your cost to hire significantly. When linked to a Jobs/Redefined Job Board Campaign, we amplify applications by combining actively seeking candidates on the job board with passive and not actively seeking prospects via social media.

Why Hire This Way?

Our Recruitment Advertising Campaigns work. Take our client, IPSOS. We delivered a recruitment advertising campaign, after they concluded that they weren’t attracting an age diverse candidate profile. They felt that the over-50s could be best placed to fill several vacant roles but were struggling to find the through their existing recruitment channels. Our Recruitment Advertising Campaign generated over 440 new leads. Our channels are the fastest and most effective way to reach an engaged over-50s cohort.

  • We are unparalleled at connecting employers with quality over-50s candidates. 
  • We target both active and passive candidates. (The ones you’ll never find on your own.) 
  • We’re the over-50s recruitment experts. We have the platform and processes that deliver results, including a social media network of over 125,000 active followers. 
  • Our jobs emails regularly exceed a 60% open rate. (Yes, you did read that right.) 
  • We take a bespoke approach to how and where we promote your job role. 
  • We qualify leads for you as part of our process to deliver primed and open candidates. 
  • Measurable results track the success of your campaigns, for data-driven results.

Advantages Of Our Recruitment Advertising Campaigns

  • Bespoke nurture campaigns target passive candidates who may have not actively considered changing career.  
  • Our techniques interrupt regular browsing and seed the ideas that the over-50s are a valued part of the workplace.  
  • We use age-appropriate channels and the right type of ads in front of the right audience. 
  • We can geotarget these ads for local roles, or deliver national (or international) campaigns.  
  • We focus on delivering a minimum number of high quality verified over-50s leads who are ready to work with you.  
  • We also offer a full candidate selection service, including a comprehensive pre-screening and CV review to support your hiring managers in their recruitment activity.

Recruitment Advertising Campaign Tiers

Starting from just £4k per month, our channels are the fastest and most effective way to reach an engaged over-50s cohort.  Our tiers suit a variety of needs and are set to a minimum of three months.

One Job Role

  • Bespoke lead generation and email nurture campaign for one job role​
  • Elevated exposure across 55/R platforms reaching 125k+ social followers​
  • 4 x Job of the Week spotlights across 55/Redefined social channels​
  • Job of the Week spotlight in Jobs/Redefined targeted newsletter​
  • unlimited jobs listings for all roles on Jobs/Redefined jobs board​
  • Amplification across the Noon midlife women’s platform
  • ​ Enhanced Employer Profile​

One Job Role / One Geolocation​

  • Everything from Silver
  • Bespoke lead generation and email nurture campaign
for one job role in one geotargeted area​

One Job Role / Multiple Locations​

  • Everything from Gold
  • Bespoke lead generation and
email nurture campaign for-one job role across multiple
geotargeted areas
  • Minimum of 100 unqualified leads
62 weeks
The length of time people aged 55-74 spend an average looking for a new job.  
The percentage of the unemployed aged between 55 and 64 who had been unemployed for more than one year in the EU, compared to 36.7% in the age group of 25-49.  
Believe that their age will work against them in applying for a new role.

Discover More About Recruitment Advertising

Please complete the form and one of our Age Diversity consultants will then be in touch to arrange a conversation.

Ready to Start Your Age-Inclusive Journey?

If you’re looking to get ahead of the age conversations you need to be having, get in touch and speak to one of our Age Diversity Consultants today, to see how we can help transform your DE&I strategy.

Speak to a Consultant