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Careers Advice for Longer Lives

Phoenix Insights

With people living longer lives than our parents’ and grandparents’ generations, many of us will want or need to work for longer.

In a world of fast-moving economic, technological and ecological change, it is now widely accepted that for lots of us, the ability to change roles, reskill and switch sectors is becoming increasingly important.

And people are already planning and making changes to their careers. A third of 45-54 year olds are expecting to change their career before they retire and only a third of young adults are expecting to have a single career for life. But many people do not know how best to navigate these changes or where to get information and advice on what opportunities are out there.

Phoenix Insights look at:

  • What are people’s expectations about job moves and career changes?
  • What are people’s reasons for changing jobs?
  • What holds people back from making job and career changes?
  • Who takes action on their future careers, and what actions are they taking?
  • What careers support do people want?