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A First in Market Talent Attraction Solution Tool that Enhances Existing Recruitment Activity

An employer who excludes the over-50s from their recruitment activity is missing out on hiring almost half the potential workforce. 55/Redefined's unique in market Recruitment Advertising Campaign is the missing pillar in recruitment strategy, and here’s why.

James Marsh
James Marsh
A published author, as well as a corporate and lifestyle media professional, James works across content, marketing and consultancy.

We are in the midst of a huge demographic shift that will change business irrevocably – birth rates are falling while, at the same time, people are living longer. That means by the end of 2025, almost half of UK workers will be over 50. The harsh reality is any employer that isn’t trying to recruit the over-50s is ignoring nearly half the potential workforce.

Yet there is a significant mismatch between the number of over-50s recruiters wish to employ and the much smaller number of over-50s successfully placed in roles. Something isn’t working. Why have one-third of over-50s been told they are unlikely to get a job because they have too much experience? Surely, it makes business-sense to employ the over-50s and use this experience?

HR and TA departments understand how serious this situation is. They know businesses need help to become more age-inclusive – and they also know with change comes opportunity. 55/Redefined, the experts in over-50s in the workplace, have the data that shows:

  • High job satisfaction makes the over-50s great, loyal employees – over 70% of workers over 50 are satisfied with their jobs compared to just 30% under 25. (1)
  • Older workers have incredible experience and transferable skills that are not being utilised.
  • However, only 16% of over-50s are on LinkedIn and they don’t use the most well-known jobs boards. Their lived experience is that they just don’t work for them. (2)

So, aiming to recruit older workers by running a “normal” campaign across the standard mainstream job boards is unlikely to be effective, and it also offers a poor return on investment.

What Is a Recruitment Advertising Campaign?

55/Redefined’s groundbreaking Recruitment Attraction Campaign (RAC) offers a different approach. It helps Talent Acquisition teams embrace age inclusion and make the over-50s a key pillar of their talent attraction strategy.

  • RAC stands for Recruitment Advertising Campaign – a new, lead-generation tool. It is not recruitment sales but recruitment marketing.
  • It is a geo-targetted, digital campaign that helps recruiters engage with the over-50s, by working outside the standard recruitment processes.
  • A RAC attracts the over-50s and nurtures their interest in an employment opportunity. 55/Redefined introduces them to a specific role with an age-friendly employer, and then takes both the over-50s and the company on an age-inclusive journey. It’s an approach that puts people at the centre of the process while still using digital insights.

    Read how UK Insurance company Hastings Direct solved its hiring problem and better matched its customer database by including a RAC in its recruitment strategy.
“55/Redefined was able to provide access to an untapped pool of candidates aged 50 plus, the perfect target fit for our market research roles” Penny Tongo, Talent Acquisition Manager, UK Field at Ipsos

Join These Sectors Using RACs to Fill their Talent Pipeline From the Experienced Over-50s Talent Pool

  • Call centre operators for major high street banks
  • Customer service representatives in store for mobile network operators
  • Mechanical engineers for high-tech manufacturing industry
  • Coders and developers for fintech and gaming companies
  • Support staff for legal, financial services and insurance enterprises
  • In-store retail advisors for a British electrical retailer on the high street
“It really opened up our minds to how many people we lose in our traditional process.” Diane Rysdale, Head of Recruitment at Hastings Direct.

Your Talent Acquisition Secret Weapon

A RAC is further upstream of a typical job campaign. It allows recruiters to uncover talent pools of older workers who have the right experience and are interested in taking on a new challenge or those who may not have known about the opportunity as they are not using job boards or LinkedIn.

A RAC is a significant pillar in a company’s strategy to become an age-inclusive company and fill recruitment quotas. It demonstrates internally and externally a commitment to making the most of the much needed resource that is the over-50s population.

Image of people interconnected with social media icons.

Download the RAC Product Explainer

A concise guide to what a Recruitment Advertising Campaign (RAC) is, why they are needed, and a step-by-step overview of the RAC Process

Join the Age-Inclusive Revolution

Recognising, celebrating and retaining older workers has never been more important. 30% of the global workforce will be aged 50 or over by 2050, and ensuring they have a valued place in your business is vital to growing your business.

If your company needs additional help and support to hire from untapped talent pools, 55/Redefined is here for you. Our team is ready to show you how we’re helping our customers benefit from the untapped potential of an experienced, willing, and dynamic older workforce.


About 55/Redefined

The 55/Redefined group encompasses three businesses focussed on the 50+ demographic – Work/Redefined – our B2B Enterprise Solutions business, Life/Redefined – our D2C Consumer Platform and Jobs/Redefined – our Job Board Marketplace for Hirers and Candidates.

About Work/Redefined

Work/Redefined is redefining age inclusivity in the modern workplace. It works with businesses to enable organisations to become the employer of choice for the over-50s.
