AXA cover photo with Tara Foley
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How is AXA Becoming a Go-To Place for Talent?

AXA's CEO, Tara Foley, recently spoke to the Insurance Times about talent attraction and retention as a key tenet of their four-year strategy, striving to “create an organisation that’s a go-to place for talent in the industry”.

AXA UK and Ireland, under the leadership of CEO Tara Foley, is implementing a four-year strategy aimed at making the company a premier workplace in the industry. This strategy focuses on talent attraction and retention, emphasising diversity, flexibility, and technological integration to meet the evolving needs of their workforce and customers.

Key Elements of the Strategy:

Talent Attraction and Retention:

  • Foley aims to attract a broad workforce that reflects the communities AXA serves.
  • Focus on forecasting future skill requirements and defining clear career paths.
  • Implementation of training programs to develop necessary skills.

Diversity and Inclusion:

  • Foley has always been a strong advocate for gender equality and now similarly emphasises age inclusivity.
  • AXA UK and Ireland received accreditation from 55/Redefined in July 2023, to help them establish a strong age strategy and develop age-inclusive practices within their organisation.
  • Their collaboration with 55/Redefined aims to leverage the skills of the over-50 demographic, recognising their unique workplace needs and promoting intergenerational harmony.

Training and Development:

  • Launch of two internal training academies: an underwriting academy for the commercial business and a data and AI academy.
  • These academies are designed to enhance skills and promote a strong data culture within the organisation.

Flexible and Diverse Work Environment:

  • Emphasis on creating a flexible work environment that accommodates the needs of different generations.
  • The goal is to ensure all employees, regardless of age, can work together effectively and find the workplace fulfilling.

Technological Integration:

  • Investment in AI and generative AI technologies to enhance service, pricing, and fraud detection.
  • Introduction of Secure GPT, AXA’s internal version of ChatGPT, to encourage employees to innovate and explore AI applications.

Read the full, original article from Katie Scott at the Insurance Times

Join the Age-Inclusive Revolution

Recognising, celebrating and retaining older workers has never been more important. 30% of the global workforce will be aged 50 or over by 2050, and ensuring they have a valued place in your business is vital to growing your business.

If you are a company that doesn’t have an Age Strategy, 55/Redefined are here for you.
Becoming an Age-Inclusive Accredited employer tells the world that you’re a forward-thinking business that cares about age diversity in the workplace.

If you're intrigued and eager to learn more about how incorporating age diversity can transform your retail workforce, get in touch. Our team is ready to show you how we’re helping our retail customers benefit from the untapped potential of an experienced, willing, and dynamic older workforce.