Readiness Score
Step 1 of 5


These six questions are designed to explore how effectively your talent attraction strategy and initiatives are tailored to the over 50s.

We advertise roles on an age diverse job board
We have an application process tailored specifically to the older worker
We ensure that our imagery and language on our careers pages, candidate materials and job descriptions is age inclusive
We specifically consider flexible working policies through the lens of the older worker
We track and report against age at each stage of the recruitment process
We have trained recruiters (in-house or outsourced) in age inclusion
Step 2 of 5


These seven questions are designed to explore how effectively your learning, development and training programmes are tailored to the over-50s.

We have reskilling programme available for older workers to pivot roles or move internally
We have delivered/have plans to deliver age inclusion training to our employees
We regularly promote and communicate learning and development opportunities to our older workers, and monitor attendance levels
We undertake regular skills audits and have experience/plans to create new programmes to hire and train older cohorts with no prior experience
We have an active reverse mentoring programme
We actively encourage our employees to engage in life-long non-work learning activities e.g. learning a language, studying nutrition
We ensure that our leaders have effective career conversations with over 50s workers
Step 3 of 5


These seven questions are designed to explore how effectively your talent engagement and retention initiatives are tailored to the over 50s.

We have an engaged employee relations group focused on age
We regularly capture sentiment and engagement data information from our older workers
We have implemented carers and grandparents leave policies and monitor the take-up from our older workers
We understand our older workers and we're proactive in asking them what they want and how we can best support them with their careers
We offer mid-life health, wellbeing and support options to older workers (men and women)
We offer career transition support to colleagues in midlife and into retirement
We regularly analyse and evaluate our age metrics from an intersectionality perspective
Step 4 of 5


These six questions are designed to explore your ambition in relation to the over-50s.

We are an attractive employer for workers in their 50s, 60s and beyond
We have a culture that celebrates age diversity and does not feel ageist
We track and measure our age data and produce insight reports for our leadership team on the topic
We have clear and visible role models for older workers within the business (at different levels of the organisation)
We have a clear and well-communicated age strategy as a clear pillar within our DEI plans AND as part of our long-term growth strategy
We are regularly considering the impacts of an ageing population on our workforce and our consumers/clients
Step 5 of 5


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