Quarterly Age Accredited Employers Update Jun 2023 - The 100-Year Life is Here... We're Not Ready
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Quarterly Report - Fighting Ageism (June 2023)


We are thrilled to share that our partnership with the fabulous Eleanor Mills and Noon is up and running, and many of our job board clients are taking advantage of the opportunity we offer to have their roles amplified on Noon’swebsite.

The New Map of Life is a fascinating and uplifting read, and reflects the input of world-class scientists, dedicated philanthropists, business leaders and community organisers. To quote: “Longevity is one of the greatest achievements in human history,“ and“...rather than dwelling so anxiously on the costs incurred by an ‘ageing’ society, we can measure and reap the remarkable dividends of a society that is, in fact, age-diverse."

We love this section: “We are optimists –not dreamers. The New Map of Life is rigorously grounded in science, driven by pragmatism, and seasoned with imagination. A demographic shift unparalleled in human history has brought us to this uncharted place: The question is how adroitly we can adjust to our new circumstances and which strategies we deploy to rapidly transform our economy and adapt social institutions, cultural norms, and public policies to meet current needs...

The good news is that this new world holds the promise to deliver greater benefits and opportunities for more people at every age and stage of life, starting at birth.”