Psychometric Profiling to Provide Personal and Team Building Insight

We help hirers and employers improve the quality of their recruitment assessment and team insights” Simon Wilsher, Executive Chairman, C-me Colour Profiling


C-me work with employers to develop a suite of assessment solutions that helps companies to assess and develop cultural and team fit.

Established in 2010, with over 10 years’ experience of training individuals, teams and organisations C-me Colour Profiling noticed something very important – people found it easier to relate to the idea of adapting their behaviour rather than personality. It made sense, behaviours can be more easily modified and to greater effect.

“Understanding ourselves and other people is crucial to effective communication and bringing out the best in one another,” C-me Colour Profiling explain.

“This helps individuals, teams and organisations to flourish. C-me is a accessible, simple and memorable tool, enabling it to make a dramatic impact on all who use it. 

No matter what stage of life you're in, there’s always the opportunity to learn more about yourself and appreciate the differences and value that others bring around us. Whether you are transitioning into a different career space or just wondering what is next, C-me is the perfect tool to help with this.”

The reports are easy to understand, action-orientated and help improve performance.

As well as the reports we run workshops to help increase team cohesion and individual and team performance plus train companies to utilise this information throughout their organisation.

Identify Your Recruitment Gaps, Assess Candidates and Explore Cultural and Team Fit

Bespoke Packages Available to Suit your Requirements

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